Index of types

at_fail_chan [JoinHelper]
Type of channels receiving () on failure of a site.

chan [Join]
The type of asynchronous channels carrying values of type 'a.
client_data [JoinMapRed.Problem]
The type of client data (that is value computed at startup).
collection [JoinPool.Shared.S]
configuration [JoinHelper]
Type of configuration for either client or server.

debug [Join]
The type of the argument of Join.debug

elt [JoinPool.Shared.Enumerable]
Elements in the collection
elt [JoinPool.Shared.S]
Element from a collection
enum [JoinPool.Shared.Enumerable]
Explicit state.
enum [JoinPool.Simple]
Enumerations iterate over values in a functional way; 'a is the type of the enumeration state, while 'b is the type of the enumeration elements.
error [JoinHelper]
Error report

fork_args [JoinHelper]
Type of arguments passed to forked clients.

init [JoinMapRed.Problem]
The type of data sent by server to clients at startup.
init [JoinMapRed.S]
The type of data sent by server to clients at startup.
input [JoinMapRed.Problem]
The type of input values passed to client agents.
input [JoinMapRed.S]
The type of input values passed to agents.
interruptible_worker [JoinPool.Shared]
Workers that can be aborted asynchrnously

key [JoinMapRed.Problem]
The type of keys returned by client agents.
key [JoinCount.Monitor]
Type for identifiers of pending computations.
kill [JoinPool.Shared]
To abort given subtask

lookup_function [JoinHelper]
Type of functions accessing a name service to retrieve the value associated with a name.

output [JoinMapRed.Problem]
The type of overall result.
output [JoinMapRed.S]
The type of overall result.

producer [JoinTextProc.Async]
Producers of text lines

result [JoinTextProc.Sync]

subtask_id [JoinPool.Shared]
Subtask identifier

t [JoinTextProc.Sync]
t [JoinTextProc.Async]
Notice that out or err above can be empty producers when child process channels redirection is not commanded.
t [JoinPool.Shared.Enumerable]
t [JoinPool.Shared.S]
Pools dispatch computations among registered agents, re-issuing pending tasks if agents do not send computation outcomes.
t [JoinPool.Simple]
Pools dispatch computations among registered agents, re-issuing pending tasks if agents do not send computation outcomes.
t [JoinFifo.S]
t [JoinFifo]
t [JoinCount.Monitor]
Monitiors are enhancements of dynamic collectors adding the ability to access the list of pending computations.
t [JoinCount.Dynamic]
Dynamic collectors are refinement of simple collectors, for which the number of events to collect need not be given in advance.
t [JoinCount.Collector]
Type of collectors.
t [JoinCount.Down]
t [JoinCom.C]
t [JoinCom.P]
t [Join.Ns]
Abstract type for the name service.
t [Join.Site]
The type of site identities.
text [JoinTextProc.Sync]
Text is a list of lines

value [JoinMapRed.Problem]
The type of values returned by client agents.

worker [JoinPool.Shared]
Standard workers